Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Exercise 3.9: Kyla's Reciept

So I woke up very excited for the day. Why? Well because only the hottest boy ever was picking me up for a date that afternoon. Who you might ask? Why non other then the notoriously good looking George Trifts!

But my happiness quickly turned to horror when I looked in the mirror. I had a huge zit! A zit! Overnight!?! How could this happen?! Could it have been due to the bacon I had for breakfast the night before? Or the oily chips before bed? Either way it was bad and this zit looked like it wanted to erupt like a volcano. I knew what I needed to do. So I rummaged in my makeup bag for my coverstick. When i found it I found myself even more horrified when I unscrewed the was empty! I didnt have a drop left to cover this mammoth of a zit! This was awful! George was going to pick me up for our lunch date in only a couple hours and I had a volcano on the end of my nose! I looked like Roudolph! I knew that if George got a look at the zit he would run for the hills. My solution, the local drug store. Luckily I live only a few minutes away from Shopers Drugmart so getting a new coverstick wouldn't be too hard.

I ran to that drug store as fast as my legs could carry me and when I finally caught my breath I asked the closest sales assistant which aisle the coversticks were. When she responded that they were in aisle 8 my legs suddenly got a new surge of energy. Seeing the coverstick on the rack made me see angels and I could hear the halleluia chorus. My saviour! It almost shined.

Quickly I speed walked to the cash, dancing in line as if I needed to use the washroom. An older women was standing in front of me scraping all her change out of her purse as if having the exact change would win her the "exact change award." So I did what everyone does while waiting in line, eyed the candy. And that when it hit me..mints! The last thing I wasnted was for George to lean in for a kiss at the end of the date and smell the remnants of whatever I chose to eat at lunch. So I grabbed a supper mint pack and flicked two toonies at the cashier. I didn't even wait for my change there was no time. George would be at my house in just an hour and I wasn't even ready.

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