Sunday, January 18, 2009

Exercise Three: Karan, Steph, Lesley, Wendy & Jeannie

The Law of Common Fate:
-Groups of elements which are seen as being related to one another due to their common movement.
-This is most effective when the elements move in the same velocity, time, and direction. Applied, a stationary object is perceived as the ground, while as mobile objects are perceived as figure elements.

Laws of the Interference Effect:
-When our brain is performing two mental processes simultaneously, they compete. This causes our thinking to be slower and less accurate.
- There are several different examples of interference effects: Stroop Interference, Garner Interference, both dealing with perception and Proactive Interference, Retroactive Interference, both dealing with learning.
- Retroactive Interference example: remembering a new telephone number interferes with the memories of other
- Designers should prevent interference by avoiding both learning and perception interferences.
Law of Orientation Sensitivity:
-How efficiently people can process the orientation of lines. Depending on the orientation, certain lines can be processed more quickly than other line orientations.
-Oblique Effect: It is easy to perceive the orientation of lines that are close to being horizontal or vertical lines, than it is for oblique (not straight/direct) lines.
-Pop-out Effect: In an image, certain elements that pop out as figure elements which are easily noticed.

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