Saturday, March 28, 2009

Logistics plan

We will be using paper arrows to guide people to our interaction. We can put them around OCAD. These arrows can be made out of newsprint paper, or something that is cheap but it wont generate too much waste. something to be recycle.
For the setting we need to put the tittle "Predator vs. Prey" on a visible space. So depends on where we are actually locating the interaction the sign will go either on top of us, or on the bottom (the table).
There will be a table (we can borrow that from one of the classrooms) where we will be setting up the projector and the laptop. We will be making a video with the predators and preys, as Christian suggested, and a layout for the scores.
Regarding where we will be putting the ribbons or pins that we are recovering (for the life count) we will have two carton boxes under the table so we put them there. this is with the purpose of non generating a mess around the room.
Boxes can be get from a convinience store or even in aboveground.
We thought that to cover the table (so it looks nice) we could put some paper, or a cloth (pretty cheap at the dollar store)

This is what we have so far.
Any other suggestions??

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