Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hey Class!

Thanks for a great job deciding on a concept today. We are absolutely well on our way to creating an enjoyable interactive experience.

Here are a list of the teams again:

Documentation Team: Kaitlynd, Olivia, Andrea C., Jeannie
Promotion Team: Kyla, Anthea, Dennis
Button Making Team: Annika, Lesley, Katie, Garrett
Narration Team: Claudia, Stephanie, Wendy, Komal
Logistics Team: Karan, Andrea R., Gretchen, Margarita

In your teams, your tasks for this week are as follows:
*Please have this information uploaded to the Blog (one neat post per team - to keep organized) for everyone Friday March 27th

Button Making Team:

-proposal (what will you do?)
-button design
-sent to the button company by Friday March 27th (Latest by Monday)
-cost of buttons
-let us know how many cycles there will be (number of colour groups)
-which animals will be included in the game (what kills what)
-the general “rules” of the game

Promotion Team:
-proposal (what will you do?) (before, during and after)
-name of our experience
-any logo design if necessary
-any cost for supplies if necessary for promotions
-include the Activate Logo in any designs you make (if you can)

Narration Team:
-proposal (what will you do?)
-ribbon costs
-design of the ribbons
-how the ribbons will work with the buttons

Documentation Team:
-proposal (what will you do?)
-any cost for supplies if necessary

Logistics Team:
-proposal (what will you do?)
-think of any supplies we will need on the day of the event
-any cost for supplies if necessary
-how will the booth be set up on the day of the event (include a concept drawing/design of the booth)
*Christian came up with an awesome idea for the booth:
We could borrow a projector to play mashed up clips of old national geographic images/videos with animals killing and fighting etc. to display in the background against a wall while the entire event is going on

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